It would rain this afternoon. So I climbed Mt. Yashima (Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan) along the west ridge rout in the morning. Started at 9:25, finished at 10:45. Amount of hydration was 180ml.
登山開始から間もなくは、コンクリートで舗装された歩道の脇に「地蔵寺 ミニ四国八十八ヶ所」のお地蔵さんが。途中、左側に西尾根ルートの登山口がありますが、お地蔵さんに気を取られて通り過ぎてしまいました。
There were many Jizo (地蔵 / stone statue) along the pavement initially when I started to walk. The stone statues were donated by the people in the area to form the course of “Mini 88 Pilgrimage” from the end of the Edo to the Meiji period. Each statues represent temples of “Shikoku 88 Pilgrimage”. As you know, the temples are widely dotted in Shikoku region. Needless to say, it is not easy to finish pilgrimage especially for the people before the motorization. So people expected same results of the pilgrimage by setting the mini-course and walking on.

It’s not well-maintained but there are trails that the people who manage the area and the climbers have stepped on. So you won’t get lost. However, the slope becomes steep from around 150m hight, it is better to wear proper trail shoes with strong grip. Thanks to the ropes stretched in the difficult places, even a beginner like me could pass through it without any problem.

南嶺までは心拍数130bpm前後で登って50分。素晴らしい見晴らしです。登山について全く知識がなかった頃は、急ピッチでゼーハー言いながら登っていたので、景色どころではありませんでしたが、最大心拍数の70%程度で行動すれば登山が楽しめるということが分かってきましたので、山ではスポ根を抑えて活動します。Apple Watch、便利ですね。
It took about 50 minutes to the southern peak with a heart rate of around 130bpm. It’s a great view. When I had zero knowledge of mountaineering, I was climbing at a rapid pace. So I actually had not enjoyed climbing.
However, as the proper pacing dawn on me, I start to know the enjoyment of climbing. Around 70% of my maximum heart rate is the one. I’m a sprinter by nature but I have to conceal that when I’m on the slant of the earth. Apple Watch warns me.

Taking a walk a little on the flat road at the top of the mountain, the familiar tourist destination “Yashima Mountain Top” was in front of me. Before the Corona pandemic, I wasn’t interested in mountaineering. So I didn’t expect to climb Yashima with my own legs. I realized its charm only after climbing on my own. It’s a wonderful mountain.

Weather forecast said that it would be raining from 13:00 today. Gray clouds seemed to be bad omen. So I took other paved course to climbed down.

“梅雨 / Tsuyu” means rainy season. It usually starts from early Jun. But it was started 3 weeks earlier this year. Weather of May is one fo the best. But it is shorten year by year. Summer? No, I hate Japanese summer. Super humid and over 35 degree celsius… In 2020, 64869 people were taken in ambulances because of the heat attack. So, I would like to find a sunny day before the summer and climb again. I appreciate to the people who manage the mountain road. Perhaps they are volunteer so.
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