Laundro Loungeというランドリー

サラエボで洗濯物に困ったら、バシチャルシアはセビリ近くの「Laundro Lounge」にGo。イギリス人のジュリエットさんが経営するランドリー。洗濯物を持参して名前と電話番号を伝えるだけで、洗いから乾燥まで全て彼女がこなしてくれる。サラエボにはコインランドリーが無いので、旅人には非常にありがたいサービスだ。費用は15KM。



Sculptor Juliet is originally from England, was educated in Australia and now has own studio in Sarajevo. A half of her studio is a laundry that is called “Laundro Lounge”.

It’s quite nice service for the travelers because there is no other laundries there. Also, you can ask her the local information. And off course you can buy her nice metal works on the spot. I myself bought her pendant and it became one of my favorite accessory.   Have a nice time in Sarajevo, wearing clean T-shirt!
Laundro Lounge Facebook